. The Poet's Beat .

. The Poet's Beat .

Wednesday, December 16, 2020

The Night Watchman

Artemis stood defiant against the Singularity
not so as to oppose it
but to be looking into it
with courage
when it swept over him
a pulse of collective consciousness
like a dance floor beat
harvest moon lovers who sob at the coming red dawn
pianist fingers playing us out
junior explorers imploring lower cubs to collect samples
mining the miniverse
nanobot badge presented for outstanding vascular action

Artemis pressed his hand to the back of her head
nothing's gonna hurt you, baby
electric touch rushed
but no electric kiss
she smiled like a happy corpse
slipped like a happy Christ into the crowd
concentric current of human souls
salient digital deviants
and all the holy algorithms

Artemis knew
love can't last forever
the Singularity will overtake it
he still couldn't help wanting to hold her hand
something about being a man is about being human
because if love be damned
then so be he

and maybe
as the Singularity passes overhead
like the Death Angel
bringing undeniable propulsion
so be us all.


Tuesday, December 1, 2020

This Spokane


I searched beneath him
for a pulse
for a desperate truth
in the folded flesh fabric hanging like hot meat
in the circuitous path of the smoke coiling around his mascara
would I lift that velvet vaporous veil of myrrh
to kiss him
like childhood again
like you've forgotten it all
as birds are demons
weak shoulders and his soft tits
the thick rich red of his righteousness
hungry like an altar boy

what parable of sour truth betrayed you
oh so long ago?
what trails divide
that should never cleave?
what love is wasted on Unnecessary
and Divine?

imagine him sad
if you must

but struggle to find the proof
to your father
to your friends
to your priest.