. The Poet's Beat .

. The Poet's Beat .

Thursday, June 20, 2019

The Desert Boys Tonight

The boys were ruddy and gay
hot with fire the coming night
golden lines on their slim razor racing suits
setting sun burning nest
multi-orange twilight twisting in their chromium helmet shields
arcs of dusk explode westernmost canyon crests alit
the boys gypsy calls
their pouting pussy pink lips tasting the stars
razzing me hard

you tell me in terrible sighs don't go out tonight
your moon blue eyes wet
your skin soft
warm despite a lavender chill building

but baby
the killer has me
the night
it soothes me
look how the desert stretches eternal into empty endless distance, you see
into places even love cannot reach
past the red starting line the pendants
fresh breast of green yet aglow
past purring birds in sharp stripes and streamlined feathers
those rumbling engines
sucking in throaty gulps the cool air
burnished leather seats
worn cork sticks
chrome gauge clusters
polished fenders catching in sleek curves a growing body of stars

your hand holds mine too tightly
burst of laughter from the drivers circle

you hear 'em too
the boys want to race, baby


I gotta race.


Monday, June 17, 2019

Star Pilot

Hey Star Pilot
red laser gun and long legs
aluminum boots and chrome on your hips
unzipped from breastbone to clit

my fingers find that silver patch of hair
slide below
feed me your wet tongue
while the fleet rages in war above
turning to ashes
everything we know.


Monday, June 10, 2019


Artwork by Zoltan
encased in silver shadows of twin suns
faceshield reflections
my own long tongue and french lips
red dust shimmy when you shake your naked hips
take me to your goddesshead
kneel and repent
kneel and take the smooth river water
to atone
wash clean those filthy thoughts
white dove claps and claws into thin air

you spin twisted flesh fast fast
flash of those thin lips
red laser from your hips
spit a thin red poison into the air

zap and the white dove falls back
and cooked

Starblazer I'm in love.


Artwork by Zoltan

Saturday, June 1, 2019

My Next Forty

I hunt glory in whatever hole it hides
chase danger o'er curling cliffs of thunderclouds in the sky
kiss babes in straw mangers before they fully awaken
   into the stranger lives
   those of us mortals have left behind
climb mountains to find the kind of death-defying
   peace of mind
   resigned to those whose bags are packed for the first sign of
   a fire burning as a beacon and a guide

let any demon of weakened souls be left behind
I stand unbeaten among those who seek freedom to deepen
   that courage
   it took to leave the Garden of Eden
you won't catch me sleeping crying or dreaming of leaping
   as if my ten toes are only teasing
   as if the slow concrete is already seeping into my bloodstream
   the moment like a sparrow fleeting
   pleading with my heart to cease its heavy heaving
   causing me to spend my days retreating

because I will have already leapt

I refuse to stick around a dying town to take bets
stand wagering whether or not I'll seize the day
find success
or digress
and live the rest of my life with regrets

like the peregrine I take flight
not gonna waste time considering if doing so
   is wrong
   or right
but just to feel the bite of cold wind in those heights
to feel alive
not merely as if I've just survived

leave that dignity-stealing feeling for those jokers
   who live simple
   and simply die
I'd rather exist for all that's in between those two brief junctures
   in a person's life
I abide with a different fire burning on the inside
I see the path with a different pair of green eyes
shame on me if you catch me standing by
   waxing my wings
   like a wet fly
the goddess has provided my immortal construction with an enigmatic design
the spark lit when I fell from my mother's thighs
   bellowing into existence a loud war cry

lo, if I do not try
try to reach the stars or
   fail to absorb their ancient light
   I will have committed a crime
or worse
a sin

and although I be a sinner
I am not that kind
the trade winds blow
   and off I
from open door to open door
I refuse fervently to be confined.